So I did some experiments earlier on in the year with
lumen printing (aka printing with fogged photo paper). Its a really neat process and it's exciting because you never really know how it's going to turn out.
For my roomie's independent study class she decided to do some full body lumen prints. Our professor had some old rolls of really big photo paper that were no longer usable in the traditional way, therefore were perfect for lumen printing. Heres what she came up with . . .

we unrolled the paper in our dark hallway and carried it out covered in a blanket. then we secured the corners with some heavy books. When she was ready I whipped the blanket off and she threw herself down onto the paper. so dramatic.

the way the sun was slanted created a weird distorted ghost image

each print took about 15 minutes till they were ready to being in

for this one she lay face down (think yoga child pose ) and the humidity from her eyes, nose, and mouth left marks on the paper . it looks so creepy!

during our last print a dumpster pulled up next to us for moving day. they must have thought we were crazy
Overall her prints turned out pretty cool and it was interesting to see certain details show up. In one print her feet turned a completely different color and various details of her face and ears would show up in other prints. Some of them were downright eerie!! Anyways, definitely a fun experiment.